Special Educational Needs
Moorlands Primary School has a nurturing and inclusive ethos to allow every pupil to achieve their potential. Firstly, we believe high quality teaching is vital and Moorlands Primary School has an in-depth system to support staff to deliver this and monitor progress of all pupils; however, for some children, there may be times when further additional support is needed.
To discuss this further, please speak to Class Teachers or the Moorlands SENCo.
Miss Laura Smith - SENco lead.
Email: and mark for the attention of the SENCo
What do we offer at Moorlands?
We aim to make all aspects of our school accessible to all; this is supported in many ways including visuals, scaffolded learning, practical resources, adult support and emotional support. We are constantly responding to needs and looking for ways to support pupil development. At times, we may give small group or 1:1 support to pupils. This may be for a few sessions or may be long term. We work hard to support the needs of all children at Moorlands and you may hear some interventions such as the ones outlined below:
ELSA support
Our school ELSA (Emotional Literacy Support Assistant) supports pupils in small groups or individually to develop a deeper emotional understanding and seek strategies for worries/concerns. This support is also provided to build resilience; a bespoke approach is designed depending on the identified emotional need.
Read, Write, Inc Phonics or Freshstart
EYFS and KS1 receive daily phonics as part of their daily learning. Some pupils in Years 3 and 4 are supported by the continuation of Read, Write, Inc group sessions daily. Other pupils in Years 4-6 may access phonic session or 'Fresh Start Phonics' which allows continued phonic learning in a style that is more suitable for older pupils.
Further specific support may include:
- Meet and Greet to support separation anxieties
- Breathing and drawing techniques for calming
- Unstructured play support
- After school resilience club
- Emotional support from Well-Being Ambassadors
- KS2 Buddy support
The following are some strategies we use to support learning:
- Use of Communication In Print symbols to support communication (Widgit)
- Aided Language Displays for consistent visuals
- Read, Write, Inc Intervention/Fresh Start Phonics
- 5 Minute Number Box
- Sandwell Numeracy Intervention
- 1:1 phonics
- Additional 1:1 reading
- Small group learning
- Task Board/TEACHCH style lesson structures
- Intensive Interaction
- Sensory support
- SEMH support
TTRockstars and Numbots are used to support fluency for all pupils.
Early Years Intervention Support
- NELI - supporting early language development
- WellComm - supporting early language
- Adapted Read, Write, Inc phonics
- Communication In Print visuals - Widgit
- Play support
- Intensive Interaction
Speech, Language and Communication
Communication and speaking with your child is one of the best ways to support their development. See the attached link to find resources to help language development at home:
Children sometimes struggle to communicate through words. Visuals are used to support communication throughout school. Please see visual resources below that can be printed to use at home.
FASTA referral
Are you concerned about your child's development? Please speak to the class teacher or school SENCo about a referral to FASTA (Faster Access to Sandwell Therapy Assessment). This may include support from an occupational therapist, physiotherapist or speech and language therapist.
SPDC supports access to a range of play and leisure opportunities for disabled children in Sandwell. This enables them to stay safe, be healthy, enjoy and achieve and make a positive contribution to others. Follow the link below for further information:
- SPDC website
Autism West Midlands Supporting parents and families
CAMHS Sandwell Child and Adolescent Mental Health Service
Local Offer What Sandwell offers SEND pupils
SEND Code of Practice DfE Special Educational Needs 0-25 years
SENDIASS The Special Educational Needs and Disabilities Information Advice and Support Services