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Moorlands Primary School Curriculum

At Moorlands Primary School we believe that Music has a significant and valuable role to play in the curriculum and in the overall ethos of the school. It brings joy to the listener and develops children’s confidence to perform in front of a range of audiences – parents, governors, other children and the public. Music promotes creativity and allows pupils to express themselves individually, in small groups, as a class and as a whole school. It brings communities together and allows the enjoyment and appreciation of music. Music compliments other parts of the curriculum and can aid confidence, co-ordination, working as a team, concentration and the ability to perform in unison. We are developing a capital of culture within our school and Music plays a fundamental part in this: music is encouraged and explored in music lessons; whole class instrumental lessons develop children’s understanding of notation and in assemblies – where music can set the atmosphere and mood. We encourage children to become confident about discussing music, creating their own compositions, reading and learning instruments and to appreciate that the digital world can impact musical styles.

Music Share  - experience 

Annually we take part in a Music Share project with other local schools – the children involved are taught a range of songs which they perform at Lichfield Cathedral.  MusicShare staff teach children healthy, quality singing through learning repertoire (popular songs, classical and choral works) in preparation for a performance in front of an audience of family, friends and the local community – this is a highlight of the school calendar. The choir have the opportunity to see the choristers perform and a range of live musicians.

At Moorlands Primary School pupils have the opportunity to be taught by music specialists where pupils have the chance as a class to learn an instrument. Currently this is whole school instrumental in Year 3 - tenor horn and in Year 4 - trumpet.


Moorlands deliver the key skills through the use of Kapow. The Kapow curriculum covers performing, composing, appreciation of listening, understanding aspects of the History of music and inter-related dimensions of music: pitch, duration, dynamics, tempo, texture, structure and timbre. Our inclusive music lessons are planned and taught by class teachers in EYFS, Years 1, 2, 5 and 6, every week across the year. Class teachers use the Kapow units as a scheme of work to plan their weekly music lessons. Curriculum music is timetabled for each class for an hour. Kapow breaks the progression of skills down into 6 different units with clips and resources to support class teachers.

Musical opportunities:

Moorlands regularly performs songs for audiences; this takes place for Harvest, Christmas, Mothering Sunday and at the end of the summer term in a KS2 performance. All pupils have the opportunity to join the choir who open our Christmas and Summer fair with a collection of modern songs

Pupils in Key Stage 2 have had the opportunity to sing at the Resort World Arena as part of the 'Young Voices' concert bringing schools together. 

For more information see:

 Rock Steady Performances 10/12/19