Half term activities at Wednesbury library
Free activities being provided at Wednesbury library.
Keep up to date with all the latest news happening in school at the moment.
Free activities being provided at Wednesbury library.
Moorlands Primary School has been awarded the National Wellbeing Gold Award: Putting wellbeing at the heart of learning, teaching and leadership.
Please see attached information for the winter holiday provision (HAF activities) including SEND provision over Christmas. Click here for HAF website booking link.
Autism WM are offering a 6 week course running in Dudley in January for parents with autistic children. Click here to book with Autism West Midlands
Friends of Moorlands' annual Christmas fair will be held on Tuesday 26th November from 3.30-5.00 pm. Come and enjoy a festive start to Christmas.
If you would like a stall contact admin@moorlandsprimaryschool.org, stalls cost £5.00 plus donating a prize for the raffle.
Donate a teddy for the Christmas fair.
Autumn disco in school on Monday 4th November organised by Friends of Moorlands
Pumpkin Carving Competition is being held on Friday 25th October. Entries cost £1.00. There will be a prize for each class.
Sandwell Parents for Disabled Children (SPDC) supports children, young people and their families to have access to a range of positive play and leisure opportunities enabling them to be safe, healthy and happy and that focus on enjoyment and achievement. If your child has an EHCP, you could be able to access activites and outings.
St James Church at Hill Top, offer for pre-school children and carers a stay and play session on Wednesdays 9.15 -10.45 am during term time.
Family hubs on Saturday to support families in West Bromwich and Wednesbury.