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Anything is Possible’




We place values education and communication at the heart of our curriculum; we nurture every child on their learning journey to become successful members of the community. 

Moorlands is a Values-based Education school and is rated by OFSTED June 2022 as a Good school, 'Pupils and parents value the supportive and friendly atmosphere of this school. Leaders and staff want pupils to thrive.'


Our vision is to be an inspiring school which has a significant role in our pupils developing into children who are academically and emotionally ready to maximise their learning and become effective citizens of a culturally enriched community.

Steps to achieving the vision:

  • Evolving teaching practices which deliver new ways of learning to deliver the curriculum
  • Readiness for the digital age / world
  • Building of resilience
  • Happy and successful children
  • Making mistakes is recognised as a stepping stone to being successful
  • Holistic approaches  across the school to help develop children’s knowledge, skills and strategies to cope emotionally with the modern day challenges
  • A passion for reading which excites and develops children’s imagination
  • Through the values ethos across the school, children develop as responsible citizens
  • Embracing the cultural diverse community and celebrating differences

Anything is possible





6 cores values embedded through the curriculum:







Moorlands is a family school with each pupils’ individual needs nurtured.

Well-being and mental health is supported through the Jigsaw curriculum.

All adults in the school are a trusted partner that children can turn to.

Children nurture and support each other.

Positive learning behaviours are encouraged.

Leaders are approachable for support.

Making mistakes is a positive experience.

Language and knowledge is central and progressive within the curriculum.

Questioning furthers learning and thinking.

Knowledge is revisited and built upon.

Feedback is frequent and purposeful to extend learning.

There are high aspirations for all.





Children are reflective and collaborative learners who respectfully challenge ideas and thinking.

Parents voices are heard and work with the school to support every child’s development.

Staff are role models who are united in children getting the best start

Leaders make key decisions driven by values.

Governors are challenging ethical leaders.

Children enjoy coming to school and are empowered to learn.

Families are supported as part of the Moorlands family.

Staff are a team and each member is cared for and valued.

Leaders know pupils as individuals.

Governors care and work with the community.

Children are ready for the next stage of their journey.  Key Questions challenge and further learning.

Parents are well informed.

Staff are supported through whole-school and individual training.

Leaders give consistent messages and are forward thinking for school development.

Governors have a clear understanding of school improvement.


Values and Philosophy for Children are fundamental at Moorlands Primary School. Pupils are taught how to question, reason and justify their opinions. The core values of PEACE, CO-OPERATION, RESPECT, RESPONSIBILITY, EQUALITY AND PERSEVERANCE are interwoven in all aspects of school life. 

Mrs K Roberts

Head Teacher

Moorlands Primary School is a Foundation Primary School with pupils ranging from 3 to 11 years of age.  The school has a pre-school nursery 'Little Learners' which has the capacity for 24 children and offers the 30 hours provision. The school is situated close to the Wednesbury/West Bromwich boundary.

The school was built in 1960 with seven classrooms in the main building, a multi-purpose hall and a school kitchen.  The school also has its own enclosed but extensive playing fields with a variety of outdoor learning resources.

Parents are kept as fully informed as possible concerning the life of the school.  Regular Newsletters and other letters are sent home via the children. In addition to this we operate a confidential Text Messaging Service and a Web Site. We also want to involve parents in the life of the school and you will receive communications on this from time to time.

The school has a parenting group called ' Friends of Moorlands' they organise events and activities that pupils and members of the community can enjoy. 

The needs of your child are our main priority.  If you have any worries about your child:  educational, emotional, behavioural or any other nature please call in at school to see the Class Teacher or a member of the Senior Leadership Team. If necessary, arrangements will be made to meet out of school hours. 

Statement on British Values

Moorlands Primary School is committed to serving its community.  It recognises the multi-cultural, multi faith and ever-changing nature of the United Kingdom.  It also understands the vital role it has in ensuring that groups or individuals within the school are not subjected to intimidation or persuasion by those wishing to impose bias.

The school accepts admissions from all those entitled to an education; including pupils of all faiths or none.  It follows the recommended policies on diversity and equal opportunities, which guarantee that there will be no discrimination against any individual or group.

Go to the section on British Values for more information.